After a very long night / morning of traveling back to the US, Alex and I used our remaining energy on Monday to rest, unpack, reorganize and catch up with our Foster Parents (essentially true in every sense of the word). Coming home to the peaceful suburbs and a fully stocked fridge (of healthy food!) was such a welcome change from our fast-paced and often over-indulgent traveling lifestyle. Janet quickly whipped up a healthy and homemade salad for me - something I haven't had in over two months - and it was the perfect lunch to come home to!
Such a sight for sore eyes.
We spent the rest of the day relaxing, doing a few loads of laundry and catching up with family; Janet was kind enough to prepare a great home-cooked dinner to end the day - we could get used to this!
Tuesday was a busy though uneventful day of errands and organization. We started with some much needed exercise and took a run through Madison, NJ before the humidity took over. After a good sweat and lengthy shower, we geared up for our tasks with - what else - iced coffee! Then it was on to really exciting stuff like writing a few outstanding wedding thank-you notes, calls to insurance companies, banks and doctor's offices and research for the next leg of our trip. We ended the day with another delicious meal at home, tired but excited for our upcoming day in NYC.
Keep the home-cooked meals coming!
For me, Wednesday was one of those perfect NYC days: beautiful, productive and exciting but not too exhausting. Alex and I both agreed that the city just felt like home, even though we no longer have an apartment there!
We took a 6:37am train into the city and then parted ways until dinner. We walked around, did some much needed shopping (really!), picked up prescriptions, got haircuts and manicures (well, one of us did) and grabbed coffee with friends and former colleagues. Afterward, we met for an early dinner at one of our classic go-to spots, P.J. Clarkes.
Sunrise in Madison, NJ.
Salad from Chop't, diet coke (no more coke light!) and Bloomingdales = near-perfect NYC day for Sarah.
Dinner at P.J. Clarkes is always a great end to any day.
Tomorrow we pack up the car and drive to Brooklyn before heading to Long Island for my cousin's wedding and the start of our two month road trip across the country!